COVID-19 Procedures
At Eon Escrow, Inc, serving our clients is at the very heart of who we are as a company. Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our clients, so we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and taking steps to minimize risk.
Eon Escrow, Inc has plans that ensure we can serve clients even in the event of a disruption, including a pandemic.
We have also implemented precautionary measures that include deferring nonessential meetings and enforcing stay-at-home protocols for anyone who is ill or has been exposed to someone who is ill. In addition, we are considering client and colleague safety when organizing meetings and will let anyone affected know immediately if there are cancellations or re-schedulings.
Conference rooms and common areas are disinfected using EPA approved disinfectants multiple times a day and after each use.
Must answer pre-screen questions. (see below)
Must hand sanitize or wear gloves
Must wear face masks
Must hand sanitize before each entry
Must wear face masks
Must practice social distancing of 3ft
Pre-Screen Questionnaire
- In an effort to be proactive and to safeguard client and employee safety, all clients and visitors will complete a health screen prior to entry.
- If you believe your visit could be completed via telephone, please contact your escrow officer or agent.
- Screening will consist of three COVID-19-related questions created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Are you or anyone close to you, having flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath?
- In the last 14 days have you or anyone close to you traveled to a high-risk area for transmission of COVID-19?
- Have you or anyone close to you been in close contact with someone confirmed or is being evaluated for COVID-19?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, we are unable to permit you to enter the premises. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope you will understand it is for the safety of all parties.
Please contact your escrow officer and/or agent to make alternative arrangements.
Thank you.